The Globe and Mail ran a great story all about entrepreneurs reaching the point in their business when growth and success forces decisions.
How much can the entrepreneur continue to do on his/her own?
If I am going to bring in help, how do I decide who or even which areas in my business I should begin with?
Can working with a Business Advisor help these transitions without having to fully commit payroll to a specific area?
See what the experts say including Werner Knittel who works with Wardell.
Click here for the article.
To test how your business is doing, you can take the simple 30 question Business Strength Test.
It's instant, free and anonymous. If you score less than 50% in any category (leadership, management, marketing, operations, finance or sales), you may have reached the point where looking for assistance makes sense.
There are many places and organizations that can help.
If we can offer some guidance, don't hesitate to connect.
A shout out to all entrepreneurs helping to make Canada and the world a better place…one business success at a time!