How to Build Trust with your Sales Prospects Part 2

Switching focus from Behavior to Communication

Knowing how to act in front of clients will demonstrate respect, using the right words will help build credibility and trust.

Be mindful of your Speaking Tone

Stay positive

People are attracted to positivity. No matter how negative your prospects may be your energy and support will help them build a sense of trust.

Avoid clichés

Anything friendly and original will help you differentiate from the myriad of sales pitches your prospect hears from countless other businesses.

Avoid badmouthing the competition

Insults and criticisms may seem like an easy way to be superior but in the long term they reduce your credibility. Focus on the superior aspects of your products or services and keep a strong commitment to delivering value to your customer.

Under promise and over deliver

Meeting expectations is critical to building trust. Always promise to deliver at a level you can achieve without fail and demonstrate your outstanding capabilities when the final result is beyond what was expected.

Focus on creating a Connection

Focus on the prospect not yourself

People like opportunities to expresses themselves and these days few people take the time to listen. Keep conversation focused on the clients and invite them to share details of their life with you.

Listen more than you talk

Your role as a sales person is to listen needs so well that when you speak everything you say makes sense to your client, your status as trusted ally is increased by how efficiently you can support your prospects mission.

Call your prospect by their name

People like to hear their own name, it shows that you are building a more personal relationship and are not just looking for a quick sale. Using someone’s name needs to be genuine.

From Talk to Action

Once you’ve gained your prospects trust you can increase your chances of a sale by applying 7 practices for a Rejection Proof Sales System.

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